Make Money at Home

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

How to Find Top Paying AdSense Keywords

It is unarguably an accepted fact that the products and services that have the highest sales and that garner most gross revenues are those lists with the top paying AdSense keywords. There are several common people and also online marketers and entrepreneurs who desperately search for such kinds of lists in the internet by using many sources. They are in need of them in order to increase the business prospects of their services and goods substantially. They are also ready to pay hefty sums for well formatted lists. The AdSense keywords that have goodwill in the market do have a considerable potential to help in earning huge amounts of money.
The matter is about finding AdSense words having high worth and then creating well organized blogs or sites that will be based on those words. It is of utmost significance to research in an exhaustive manner in order to find top paying AdSense words. Yes, it is actually about returning to the basics and using your common sense. The people who earn lot of money via internet actually are able to do so due their exhaustive research methodologies of the AdSense words. They are expert and perfectly know to dig the net to get hold of the right kinds of words that will reap profits.
Firstly it is very much required to research some crucial words for your AdSense in your niche. It is wise to keep in mind that the niche must bear a high cost per click value, in short a high CPC value. This will be the initial stepping stone to find valuable rather top paying AdSense words that are profitable from a commercial perspective. Hence, it is vital to lay stress on this particular measure to build the foundation for your online business prospects among millions of internet users.
The next step involves a bit of mathematical manipulations, apparently. The average CPC needs to be multiplied by an exact thirty percent. It is performed in order to chalk out an estimate of the maximum limit of earnings per click. The next step is more critical. You are required to use any of several tools that can be downloaded from the net to know about the first eight rank holders in terms of CPC values. This definitely helps you to put a step forward in finding top paying AdSense words.
Now the process becomes easier. It is up to you to locate and determine the AdSense words occupying high ranks. This can be easily performed by searching the desired keyword on Google. The generation of certain AdSense words will give enough signals about further proceedings. The next measure is about comparing the various AdSense words and that should be done in an organized manner, keeping account of their ranks. This is done with the help of a function tool for checking keyword. After doing so, you converge into top paying AdSense words. Using those you are able to get huge traffic stream in your site that brings you monetary gains.
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By Dhruv Patel
READ MORE - How to Find Top Paying AdSense Keywords

Friday, July 17, 2009

How Can My Son Make Money on the Internet? A Cheap and Easy Way to Start

If you have kids, no doubt they are constantly asking you for money... and it only gets worse as they get older.

My neighbor knows I make my living online and the other day he asked me, "How can my son make money on the internet?"

That's not the first, and most likely not the last time someone will ask me that. My neighbor lost his job recently, and just as his oldest son was getting set to go off to college.

His tuition is covered for the first year, thankfully, but his son will need a part time job now to cover living expenses.

His father hates that he has to do this because he fears it will interfere with his studies.

So, I gave him some ideas on how his son could make some money online, and he liked them so much, he went on the internet and tried it himself!

I always tell people to start with affiliate marketing. There is no start up costs and you can be making money in just a few days. The easiest and cheapest way to do this is by using the Article Marketing techniques of "Bum Marketing".

"Bum Marketing" was actually started to help out the very "newest" of new marketers get started on the Internet. The Internet is full of so much "hype" and "garbage", that one man decided to change this. He decided to actually help out people by offering them 100% FREE solutions to make money online.

If you don't have a computer, you can go to the local Library. And ANYONE can promote a product, because Affiliate Programs are FREE to promote, in many cases. And if you can write an article promoting a product that you really like, say a PSP3, people might be inclined to agree with you.

This will lead them to actually TRUST you through your words. If someone trusts someone else, they will generally BUY through them. And submitting articles to very popular sites is very easy and FREE. People trust many of the top sites, including Google, and this will get your article a TON of exposure.

Do you see? That actually cost... well... NOTHING! And there are many possibilities for making a sale.

The cool thing is that once you set up your business, it continues to make money while you sleep, work, or attend classes!

My neighbor was pretty excited, and I gave him a course to study to get him going in the right direction. He signed up for an affiliate program, sent traffic to their sales page and made sales. He though he was performing some kind of miracle. As he soon learned, this really works!

What started out as a business model for his son, is now a full time source of employment for dad... and you can do it too! But in order to do it effectively you must first learn the ropes. You can easily learn how to get your "game plan" in tact by clicking here: Bum Marketing Training or you can go directly to the website:

Article Source:

READ MORE - How Can My Son Make Money on the Internet? A Cheap and Easy Way to Start

Saturday, April 04, 2009

Announcing 7 Tips On How To Make Money Online Fast.

Has this question ever come to mind? "How can I make money fast online?" Thankfully, I have the answer! There are several ways to make money quickly online. If you are someone who wants to make tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands per year online selling someone else’s product, then follow these seven tips and you’ll be well on your way.

Tip 1 : Get Set Up With Clickbank. The first step is to create an account with Clickbank so you can find products you would like to promote. Also, with Clickbank you’ll be able to track your sales and they’ll send you a check twice a month for all your hard work.

Tip 2 : Create A Name For Your Affiliate Website. This tip is extremely important and vital to your bottom line. Just create your domain name and forward it to the affiliate product link you’ve chosen from Clickbank.

Tip 3: Old School Marketing. There are many ways you can advertise for very little cost that most experts have forgotten about. Get back to the basics, offline marketing is extremely effective and hardly anyone uses these tried and true techniques. You can begin promoting by distributing flyers and business cards in public places for example.

Tip 4 : Social Networking Websites. Do you belong to any Social Networking Websites? If you do, contact all your friends and tell them about your new products. If you don’t belong to any social networking sites then join as many as you can. Every sale you get from this tip is 100% profit these web sites are FREE.

Tip 5 : Write Articles . Article marketing is one of the most effective ways to get your websites noticed and it’s very inexpensive. After selecting a product from Clickbank, research your potential customer’s biggest needs, then submit “How to” articles solving the customer’s needs.

Tip 6 : Submit Classified Ads. Study up on “how to write classified ads”. Once you’ve done that, submit them to several hundred FREE classified ad websites. Don’t forget about tip number 3, look into placing a classified ad in your hometown newspaper.

Tip 7 : Online Groups And Chat Rooms. There are hundreds of online groups and chat rooms that you can join. This can give you a list with thousands of prospects and their email addresses. You can eventually share your products with them once you’ve earned their trust; this technique has to be done properly.

These seven tips are an outline or road map to get you online and making loads of money in a short amount of time. There are tons of ways to make money quickly online but these are just the very best that I have discovered for myself. So don’t reinvent the wheel, someone has already done that for you, mirror what I do and maybe put your own twist on it. You know, I started out just like you, with a burning desire to succeed and provide for my family. The only difference between you and me is taking that first step of faith.

Jack Dube has a successful affiliate marketing business. He is a member of the private club Maverick Money Makers, this club will teach you how to Make Money Online Fast!

If you want to make money online fast, join the club before it's too late.

Related Articles - make money, make money online, how to make money, make money fast, make money at home,

READ MORE - Announcing 7 Tips On How To Make Money Online Fast.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Is Your Business Tough Enough to Survive Recession?

by Janet Attard

How's business? Are customers taking longer to buy, placing smaller orders, or just staying away in droves? And are they taking longer and longer to pay? Has the recession left you wondering how long you can hold onto your business – or your home, if you used your home for collateral on that business loan?

If so, it's time to stop worrying, and take a hard look at your business. Yes, to be sure, the economy is playing havoc with a lot of businesses. But many small businesses are thriving despite the recession. So, instead of resigning yourself to lower sales, and falling profits, or losses, look at your business with an open mind for ways to solve the current problems.

Now, I know you think you've already done that. But without realizing it, many small businesses are prone to shortsightedness and inertia when it comes to running their businesses. Business owners tend to think about, and do, what's familiar and what has always worked, and dismiss ideas others suggest as unworkable without trying them or seriously considering them. After all, it's easier and safer to do what you think works than try something different. That kind of thinking, often traps small businesses.

To get out of the trap, you have to look at your business with different eyes. Ask yourself and your team questions like these:

"How is this industry or type of business changing?"

"Will our current customers still need our products or services in a few years?"

"Do all of our clients know about all the products or services we sell?"

"Do we suggest additional purchases to existing customers?"

"Are there ways to market that we aren't doing now?"

"Are there things we don't sell now that would sell to our existing customers?"

"What are our competitors doing that we're not doing?"

"If we sell to consumers, could we sell the same or similar products or services to businesses?"

"Could we increase prices?"

"Could we increase business if we purchased some specific piece of equipment, applied for certification, or made some other change?"

Don't answer the above questions with a quick "Yes" or "No." Be specific. Name products and services. Make estimates for sales. Put numbers to your estimates. Then act on the changes that could make the most impact on your business.

© 2009 Attard Communications, Inc. Janet Attard is a small and home business expert, author and founder and CEO of the small business website. For more tips and hints on building profitable websites see Online reprints of this article must include the author's byline, copyright and resource box. You must get permission from the author to reproduce the article in print publications.

Related Articles - recession, business, economy, survive, tough, change,

READ MORE - Is Your Business Tough Enough to Survive Recession?

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

What Are The Best Home Business Opportunities

Home Bussines, MLM, Sales
In order to know what the best home based business opportunities are, one must first understand a few things about business in general. What consumer groups are profitable to market to? What products do those consumer groups purchase, and why? What is the best way to position oneself as a seller to those groups, and how does one go about doing so? According to people like Donald Trump, Robert Kiyosaki, Tim Sales, and others, the single best way to go into business and tap into these markets is with MLM (Multi Level Marketing) also known as Network Marketing. MLM's are the best home based business opportunities for several reasons.

One can get started as an affiliate with a company such as Amway, Shacklee or Nutronix International for a fairly reasonable start up cost, usually anywhere from $100 to $500 and have access to numerous products, websites to market them, websites to manage the business, training and mentoring from established men and women in the business. Add in an advertising allowance and one can be in business, up and running for under $1000. In most cases the company will drop ship an order placed on an affiliate's website so the affiliate doesn't have to store, handle and ship products. The company will keep record of sales, taxes, inventory, etc.

The distributor can make money both by selling products and recruiting more distributors to sell, called a downline, and making a small percentage on business done by the downline as well. Those percentages are paid through several levels and can become very lucrative over time. The real power here is not in selling products but rather in recruiting a large and active downline to sell products and earning a small percentage on their sales. It's better to make a small percentage on the efforts of hundreds of people than to make a large percentage on ones efforts only. The best home business opportunities are with companies like those above who offer good products at a reasonable price and have a lucrative compensation plan with realistically achievable qualification requirements.

As important as the type of company one chooses is the consumer group or groups they market to. It's an established fact that The best home business opportunities are ones who market to the Baby Boom Generation, in the US those men and women born between 1947 and 1964. In Canada those born between the years of 1947 and 1966, and in Australia between 1946 and 1961 are considered Baby Boomers. Companies like the ones named above have understood for a number of years now that businesses who cater to these Boomers are going to be highly successful and very profitable.

Here are a few facts one needs to understand about this group of people. They constitute the single largest consumer group in the world, today. They currently range in age from 40 to 63 years. 80% of them are employed. Their buying power is well over 2 Trillion dollars and growing. Another characteristic of this group is that as they continue to age, the products they want and need will change. The best home business opportunities are ones that market products these Boomers want now with an eye out for products they will be interested in as they age. The best companies understand that to remain profitable for many years to come, they must recognize and constantly be on the leading edge of buying trends as they emerge and they must be able to anticipate future trends and adapt accordingly.

In summary, look for a Network Marketing company with affordable products and a good compensation plan with achievable qualification goals that understands who they should be marketing to, and how to reach them. Most of these will be marketing to the Baby Boom Generation. Look for a business one can get started in for a reasonable cost, including any initial start up fees and advertising costs. There seems to be a bias against business opportunities having any start up cost at all, but this is completely unrealistic. You are not looking for a job, you are looking to start a business. To think one can do so for nothing is absurd. There are a number of good home business opportunities one can get up and running with for $500 to $1000 out of pocket. That's a pretty reasonable expectation. The best home business opportunities will be the ones that meet most or all of these criteria. So, Happy Hunting!

Mitch Hayes is a successful Home Business entrepreneur and success mentor. He is owner and principle author of The Online Home Business Answer a resource blog for home business professionals dedicated to persuing Excellence and Integrity in Network Marketing.

READ MORE - What Are The Best Home Business Opportunities

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Do you have what it takes to be an e-entrepreneur?

Before you even turn on your computer, the first question you have to ask yourself is whether you’re cut out for this kind of work.The fact is, building a home-based business isn’t for everyone.Some people like the commute. They really do enjoy having a boss who tells them what to do, and they like the routine of working nineto-
five for an ordinary salary that can barely pay the mortgage.

Personally, I think they’re nuts.More reasonably, there are people who are concerned about the risk of starting up their own business. They’re not sure it’s worth the investment of time and money, and they’re scared of the responsibility
that comes with running their own company. They wonder if there is another way to escape the rat race.

I’m sure there is. You could win the lottery or wait for your Aunt Sue to keel over and leave you her condo. Or maybe you could sit down with a pen and paper and draw the blueprint for The Next Big Thing. Anything can happen For me, what happened was creating a successful, self-running Internet marketing system. It didn’t happen without effort. It didn’t happen without at least some initial investment of both time and money. Of course, it doesn’t happen now without me making sure that the taxes are filed and the paperwork is done. But it happened. I’m my own boss. I work from home according to my own schedule and I get to pocket all the cash my business makes. If you’re prepared to give an e-business the time, the work and the money it needs to get started and get growing, it can happen for you too.

READ MORE - Do you have what it takes to be an e-entrepreneur?

Saturday, January 24, 2009

The Right Product Sells Itself

In fact, for some of my websites, my customers are my goods.
When you join an affiliate program, you buy traffic from other sites and pass them onto your partners for a profit.
In this book you’ll learn all about affiliate programs. I’ll show you how to build them, how to select your partners and how to turn your traffic into cash.
But traffic is just one kind of product on the web.

Information products are some of the greatest money-makers currently churning
up dollars on the Net. And anyone can create an information product.
Imagine you know how to build a bookcase from scratch. That already makes you a lot more knowledgeable than me. The only thing I know about wood is that it looks great in my fireplace!

Maybe one person in a thousand will want to know how to build the kind of
bookcase you know how to build. If you’re not a well-known carpenter,no publishing company is going to touch you. It’s just not worth the effort. On the Internet, one person in a thousand gives you a potential market of approximately 340,000 customers (and that number is growing all the time). If you write a book and sell it online for just $10 per copy you could make as much as $3,400,000. All you have to do is
tell people what you know and tell them it’s out there. And that costs next to nothing. Information sells like crazy online. In fact, I sell a $47 ebook all day long. The profits from that single ebook could provide a comfortable living for me and my family all by itself. But who wants to stop at one profit stream when you can create multiple streams of automated income on the Internet? Not me.
READ MORE - The Right Product Sells Itself

Monday, January 05, 2009

The Internet, Your Business Tool

In effect, my system for making money online is built on three
foundations: the Internet, marketing and the product.
In this book, we are going to look closely at each one of those. In
particular, we’ll spend a lot of time talking about marketing because
that is really how you make money online.
Let’s begin by taking a quick glance at why the Internet is the
greatest business opportunity since the railroad.
The Internet actually started in 1969 as the ARPANET, a Defense
Department system designed to let survivors share files after a nuclear
attack. From a handful of top secret computers, it’s grown to fill more
than 10 million hosts and millions of domain names.
And it’s still growing. According to a recent survey, the volume of
Internet traffic is expected to double annually over the next five years.
Consumers are expected to account for 60 percent of all Internet
traffic over that period with the rest of the market made up of
business users.
What does that mean for you?
It means customers — millions of them.
No other business tool can put the products you sell to so many
people so easily. Nothing even comes close.
We’re talking about a potential market of hundreds of millions of
people around the world who can buy your products 24 hours a day,
365 days a year. If you opened a store in your city, how many people
would walk past your window each month? If you live in Manhattan,
maybe a few thousand. If you live in Los Olivos, California, maybe a
few hundred. On the Internet, there’s virtually no limit to the number
of people you can bring through your store front wherever you live.
That’s the power of the Internet. That’s why my online business is
bringing in thousands of dollars every day. I attract a lot of customers
for my service and I sell a lot of goods.
READ MORE - The Internet, Your Business Tool