Make Money at Home

Friday, July 17, 2009

How Can My Son Make Money on the Internet? A Cheap and Easy Way to Start

If you have kids, no doubt they are constantly asking you for money... and it only gets worse as they get older.

My neighbor knows I make my living online and the other day he asked me, "How can my son make money on the internet?"

That's not the first, and most likely not the last time someone will ask me that. My neighbor lost his job recently, and just as his oldest son was getting set to go off to college.

His tuition is covered for the first year, thankfully, but his son will need a part time job now to cover living expenses.

His father hates that he has to do this because he fears it will interfere with his studies.

So, I gave him some ideas on how his son could make some money online, and he liked them so much, he went on the internet and tried it himself!

I always tell people to start with affiliate marketing. There is no start up costs and you can be making money in just a few days. The easiest and cheapest way to do this is by using the Article Marketing techniques of "Bum Marketing".

"Bum Marketing" was actually started to help out the very "newest" of new marketers get started on the Internet. The Internet is full of so much "hype" and "garbage", that one man decided to change this. He decided to actually help out people by offering them 100% FREE solutions to make money online.

If you don't have a computer, you can go to the local Library. And ANYONE can promote a product, because Affiliate Programs are FREE to promote, in many cases. And if you can write an article promoting a product that you really like, say a PSP3, people might be inclined to agree with you.

This will lead them to actually TRUST you through your words. If someone trusts someone else, they will generally BUY through them. And submitting articles to very popular sites is very easy and FREE. People trust many of the top sites, including Google, and this will get your article a TON of exposure.

Do you see? That actually cost... well... NOTHING! And there are many possibilities for making a sale.

The cool thing is that once you set up your business, it continues to make money while you sleep, work, or attend classes!

My neighbor was pretty excited, and I gave him a course to study to get him going in the right direction. He signed up for an affiliate program, sent traffic to their sales page and made sales. He though he was performing some kind of miracle. As he soon learned, this really works!

What started out as a business model for his son, is now a full time source of employment for dad... and you can do it too! But in order to do it effectively you must first learn the ropes. You can easily learn how to get your "game plan" in tact by clicking here: Bum Marketing Training or you can go directly to the website:

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