Make Money at Home

Friday, January 29, 2010

Affiliate-Revenue : How Affiliate Marketing Works (And What They Don't Tell You)

We've all seen the ads on the net that pop-out like crazed Jack-in the boxes about making '$1000 a day on Google!' or 'Make $500 a day working from home!' These are usually coupled by the picture of a couple grinning from ear to ear in pure and utter joy. Excited by the very idea we almost involuntarily click to find some story which quite simply seems like a re-hashed fairy tale from some land where money grows on trees.
Apparently you can work at home for few hours a day doing almost nothing and money just magically starts being sent to you. Suddenly everyday is a Holiday, the mortgage is gone and all in the world is wonderful and well.
Now I'm not here to be the Prophet of bad news but I am going to be the prophet of some truth.
It is a fact that You can work a few hours a day from your home on the internet and make staggering sums of money. It is true that to many people seeing you sat there it will look like you're doing nothing at all (especially if they walk by and you're checking your mail or typing up a document at the time) but the fact of the matter is that it's just not that simple.
Let me start by explaining what Affiliate Marketing is.
When certain companies or individuals have products that they are willing to sell online they obviously need to market it. We all know that you could have the most marvelous product in the world but if it isn't marketed properly it will quite simply go nowhere. To be honest You could have the AIDS vaccine but if You don't get it into the hands of the right Pharmaceutical Company then it's going to help no-one. Could you imagine having that wonderful vaccine and handing it off to some hole in the wall company that has about 3 customers? What good is that going to do?
Companies & Individuals with products to sell know this and so after the product is marketable they now look for avenues to market it. If the company or individual has masses of money to spend on advertising, marketing and promotion then they can get ads on Prime Time TV, take out huge billboards, get whole cities blanketed in posters, radio ads, planes flying banners trailing off their tail wing, strippers wearing their custom made lingerie and a mass of other methods but also remember that the idea is to make a profit so advertising costs should be kept as low as possible (within reason).
This is where affiliate marketing comes in. Affiliate marketers get an account with a 'middle-man' website that will process the payments from the individuals or companies that own the products they are marketing. The 'middle-man' websites also give them a list of products that they can market. After finding a product that they believe they can market an Affiliate will begin using numerous methods to market the product and for each sale they will receive a commission from the company or individual that owns the product through the 'middle-man' website that tracks each referral using a special link give to the Affiliate.
Marketing can be broken down into 3 facets; finding something to market, knowing how to market it and knowing where to market it.
Without all 3 pieces to this golden puzzle You'll be lost in the most frustrating of mazes. Knowing how and where to market something is useless without being able to find something to market. Having something to market and knowing where to market it is useless without knowing how to market it.
What must be understood is that some of the commissions paid out can be quite substantial and some even pay on a monthly recurring basis per sale. Herein lays the colossal amounts of money that can be made. Herein also lies the problem because without the proper coaching or understanding of how to market a product there is no way to make money as no sales = no commission = no beach house.
The truth about most of the offers You see is that they will always leave out one piece of the puzzle or quite simply not explain that even though You're at home (which is lovely) You must treat Internet Marketing as a business. Successful marketers working 3-4 hours a day reached that stage because they understand fully the 3 pieces of the puzzle. Reaching this stage as with everything takes time but when You do the rewards are definitely worth it.
Did You find this article Helpful? If You'd like to watch some informative videos on Affiliate & Internet Marketing Please feel free to visit:
By Ricky J K Ruto

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